Bretton Woods, New Hampshire

Mount Washington Hotel at the foot of the Presidential Range

Bretton Woods is an area within the town of Carroll, New Hampshire. Pictured is the Mount Washington Hotel at the foot of the Presidential Range courtesy of Shankarnikhil88. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

Mount Washington Hotel

The Mount Washington Hotel was designed by Charles Alling Gifford and built between 1900-1902. It was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1986. It is sometimes referred to as the Stickney Mansion, after its founder, Joseph Stickney.

The building is allegedly haunted by Carolyn Stickney, wife of Joseph, whose ghost has been sighted there. Other visual effects include a white mist.

Audible phenomena include knocks on doors and a baby crying. Some have been captured on audio.

Pictured left is the Mount Washington Hotel courtesy of rickpilot_2000.

Mount Washington Hotel, 310 Mt Washington Road, Bretton Woods, NH 03575, USA.

Featured in 2 episodes of Ghost Hunters, when it was searched by the TAPS paranormal investigation team on February 6, 2008.

For further information, please read Apparition Atlas: Ghost Hunter's Travel Guide to Haunted America by Mark P. Donnelly and Daniel Diehl.

For further information, please read Haunted New Hampshire by Thomas D'Agostino.